Merchant Applications
You are encouraged to create one or more application per merchant directly in the merchant create method. Provide a separate application for each storefront. Every application must have it’s own implementation and postback URL.
Attribute | Required | Description |
name | yes | storefront name |
description | no | Displays on Payment UI under your Application Name |
logo | no | Brands the Payment UI. Provide as a publicly reachable URI and we’ll handle grabbing it. (Aim for a square!) |
ref_id | no | If you are integrating multiple applications, pass your own ID to reference back to the site you’re integrating. |
implementation_url | yes | URL where the requests will originate |
postback_url | no | URL where Sign2Pay should post payment details |
mode | no | test, live, fail, archived, defaults to test |
To create applications for an existing merchant, you must use Token authentication. After signup you will have received an API access token to authenticate with. It is important that this access token is kept strictly private. If it ever becomes compromised, you must revoke the old access token and generate a new one as soon as possible.
Creates a new merchant application.[merchant_id].json
"application": {
"ref_id": "0123456789",
"name": "Dicki, Kuhn and Hintz",
"description": "Business-focused optimizing product",
"implementation_url": "",
"postback_url": "",
"logo" : "",
"mode" : "test"
Updates an existing merchant application.[token].json
"application": {
"ref_id": "0123456789",
"name": "Dicki, Kuhn and Hintz",
"description": "Business-focused optimizing product",
"implementation_url": "",
"postback_url": "",
"logo" : "",
"mode" : "live"
Returns an application object
"token": "5485855f4e69637dd21d0000",
"ref_id": "0123456789",
"name": "Dicki, Kuhn and Hintz",
"description": "Business-focused optimizing product",
"implementation_url": "",
"postback_url": "",
"logo": "",
"mode": "test",
"created_at": "2014-12-08T11:02:55.645Z",
"updated_at": "2014-12-08T11:02:55.645Z"
Code | Description |
201 | Application created |
400 | Missing or malformed input fields |
401 | Invalid authorization |
403 | Validation error(s) |
429 | Rate limited: enhance your calm |
API Tokens
Sign2Pay uses tokens to allow access to the API. Access tokens are handed to every merchant directly after succesful registration. Store the tokens securely and pass one with every request. For protected resources, you must pass a valid token in a HTTP Token Authorization header.
Authorization: Token token="0047f40cf37dbb5cc6301d17194ed2e2"
Sign into your Merchant Admin to view your API Token or request a new one.